The ACA 2025 special sessions (continuously updated).

SS0 General Session
SS1 Computer Algebra in Education
SS2 Computer Algebra Software in the Life Sciences (CASinLife)
SS3 Computer algebra in group theory and representation theory
SS4 Computational Differential and Difference Algebra and Their Applications
SS5 Computer algebra modeling in physics, classical and celestial mechanics, and engineering
SS6 Symbolic Linear Algebra and Its Applications
SS7 History of Computer Algebra
SS8 D-Finite Functions and Beyond: Algorithms, Combinatorics, and Arithmetic
SS9 Algebraic geometry from an algorithmic point of view
SS10 Algebraic and Algorithmic Aspects of Differential and Integral Operators Session
SS11 Sparse Interpolation and Technology
SS12 Symbolic-Numeric Computation
SS13 Advances in Coding Theory: Algebraic, Combinatorial and Computational Methods
SS14 Finite Fields and Applications
SS15 Reliable numerical computing and differential equations